This article describes how to add a DSP (digital signal processor) to a ControlSpace Designer project and how to set the properties for that device.
This article describes how to add a UTB (Under Table Box) to a ControlSpace Designer project.
This article walks you through the process of adding objects in the Project View of ControlSpace Designer.
This article describes the AEC processing object in Bose Conferencing processors, including input and output ports, inside algorithms,
An explanation of the basics behind AEC and why it is important in a conference room.
The control panel for the Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) object allows the user to control and monitor the AEC object.
General guide to AEC processing with EX-1280C, EX-440C, and EX-12AEC using ControlSpace Designer.
In this article, we introduce the AEC Reference block.
This article introduces the Enhance AGC module and how to set this module in ControlSpace Designer.
An introduction to Automatic Microphone Mixers
Description of each item in the AMM-Gain Sharing control panel.
The control panel of the Gated Automatic Microphone Mixer provides control and monitoring for the AMM’s inputs and output as well as control of the way the AMM’s gates perform.
How to set all device IP's to match an existing project file in ControlSpace Designer
It is often necessary to temporarily alter the computer's network settings to connect to a ControlSpace device.
This article outlines how to change a basic IP address of a device using Hardware Manger in ControlSpace Designer.
Chirping or Other Audio Artfacts Heard From ControlSpace Processor
This article contains information about the firmware files that are packaged with each version of ControlSpace Designer software.
This article gives you information about a ControlSpace error. It can appear only with versions 5.1.1 and 5.2.
This article shows how to select the Dante Input Option for an MSA12X unit if this is greyed out in ControlSpace Designer.
Discovering a product in ControlSpace Designer Hardware Manager
How to enable Dante and endpoint control within ControlSpace Designer
This article shows what to do if you see a message stating the File contains Old Node ID Mapping.
Intermittent Audio From Stacked Panaray MSA12X Array
This document provides instructions on resolving audio issues encountered when using a gated automatic microphone mixer with the ControlSpace EX-1280C.
The factory settings for the MSA12X have the Dante input enabled and the analog audio input disabled.
This article guides you how make a Firmware Update with the ControlSpace Designer software
This article outlines the basic procedure for programming a ControlSpace CC-64 panel with user controls in a ControlSpace program.
This article provides recommendations for creating useable ControlSpace Designer files which allow the creator and other editors to logically support the system.
Programming Philosophy for Open Architecture Digital Signal Processors - Working from the Outside In
This article explains how to retrieve a saved design from ControlSpace hardware.
This article describes how to save the current state of a processor to flash without ControlSpace Designer.
Saving a project to flash memory
Serial Over IP settings for controlling processors, PowerMatch, and PowerShare (Dante model) with a 3rd party controller and Serial Over Ethernet (UDP) settings for controlling endpoints
This article explains how to assign volume control to the ControlCenter CC-1 within ControlSpace Designer.
How to configure a ControlCenter CC-2 with an ESP/EX processor
This article explains how to assign volume control to the ControlCenter CC-3 within ControlSpace Designer and how to wire the GPI port.
This article describes one method of creating a system mute state using the GPI terminals on select Bose Professional processors.
This article explains the main differences between using the Scan and Go Online functions
This article is a general guide for how to find a device by IP when it is not discoverable in Hardware Manager.
This article discusses using ControlSpace Designer on a Mac.
How to implement Dante Dynamic Routing in ControlSpace Designer.
This article describes the process of saving a design file that's currently running on an ESP/EX processor by capturing and extracting the file in its compressed format.
How to update firmware on the ControlSpace CC-64 using the Programmer/Updater Utility software.
Two methods for using Wireshark to locate Bose hardware are presented.
This article guides you how to use the variety of Wiring and Connection Tools for Devices in ControlSpace Designer
This Artice Describes how to Change the Cannel Count from a Audio Block like a Gain in the ControlSpace Designer Software
This Article describes how to modify the Setup of a Conference Room Router in ControlSpace Designer Software
This Article describes how to use the Audio Route Function in the ControlSpace Designer Software