This Article describes how much Serial over IP Connections ar epossible to a ControlSpace ESP/EX or a network Amp
Relevant Product(s)
- ESP-88
- ESP-00
- ESP-00-II
- ESP-880
- ESP-1240
- ESP-4120
- ESP-1600
- ESP-880A
- ESP-1240A
- ESP-880AD
- ESP-1240AD
- EX-1280
- EX-1280C
- EX-12AEC
- EX-440C
- PM4250N
- PM4500N
- PM8250N
- PM8500N
- PS404D
- PS604D
ESP, EX, PowerMatch (networked) and PowerShare products can be controlled via serial commands
sent over Ethernet using a TCP/IP connection. Communication is via the same physical Ethernet
connection used for the ControlSpace Designer software but a dedicated port number (10055) is
provided for third-party control allowing them to operate simultaneously.
Note: The third-party control connection will be closed when going on-line with ControlSpace Designer
software to allow the new design to be loaded. The control connection can be re-established once online.
Most control systems can do this automatically.
ESP, EX, PowerMatch (networked) and PowerShare products can support up to the maximum number of
simultaneous serial-over-Ethernet connections (in addition to the physical RS232 serial port on ESP/EX)
according to the table below:
Products Maximum number of SoIP connections
EX-1280C, EX-12AEC, and EX-440C 32
EX-1280 32
ESP-880, ESP-1240, ESP-4120, ESP-1600 32
ESP-00 Series II, ESP-00, ESP-88 8
PM8500N, PM8250N, PM4500N, PM4250N 32
PS404D, PS604D 8
These connections are shared with any instances of ControlSpace Remote that use the same
communication method. Once the maximum number of connections have been established, additional
requests will be refused until one of the existing connections is closed. Serial output and asynchronous
feedback is sent to all active connections (including the physical RS232 port on ESP/EX) and Serial input
will monitor all active connections for the specified strings. In contrast, responses to query commands
are returned only to the connection that initiated the query.
The ESP-00, PowerMatch and PowerShare products use a fixed port number of ‘10055’ for third-party
control connections. 1U ESPs (880/1240/4120/1600) and EX devices also use the same port by default
but allow the port to be changed or disabled via the device properties in the ControlSpace Designer
software if required.
It’s important to note that ESP, EX, PowerMatch and PowerShare products only act as Server for serialover-
Ethernet connections; the connection must be initiated by the Client device.